Don't worry I have an interesting weekend planned so I promise next week post will be much better.
Anyway this week I was exposed to what can only be described as the most awful chocolate experience ever.
"How can Chocolate ever be awful?" I hear you shout.
Well it can if the Australians ever get hold of it.
Now I love our antipodean cousin. My Fab cousin Sally was born and brought up there and from what I gather (having not had the chance/funds to visit yet) it's a beautiful place full of culture and a stunning natural landscape.
But to do what they did to chocolate is just beyond wrong.(Bad Australia , No)
One of the girl in our office was sent a Dairy Milk with "Vegimite" from a friend or should I say Fiend from OZ
Anyway this week I was exposed to what can only be described as the most awful chocolate experience ever.
"How can Chocolate ever be awful?" I hear you shout.
Well it can if the Australians ever get hold of it.
Now I love our antipodean cousin. My Fab cousin Sally was born and brought up there and from what I gather (having not had the chance/funds to visit yet) it's a beautiful place full of culture and a stunning natural landscape.
But to do what they did to chocolate is just beyond wrong.(Bad Australia , No)
One of the girl in our office was sent a Dairy Milk with "Vegimite" from a friend or should I say Fiend from OZ
As I'm not one to ever turn down a taste experience I dived right in and had a whole square that I, throwing caution to the wind, ate in one big bit now the first initial taste wasn't that bad a I bit though the familiar velvet taste of Dairy Milk and Caramel.
But beware there is a black heart in this chocolate beast, a dollop of Vegemite and trust me it was not pleasant. It took half a pint of water and a can of diet coke to get ride of all the taste, but the horror of it will linger for a long time.
Hey well you win some you lose some, this won't put me of trying new things; although might be slightly more wary if it has Vegemite in the title.
And at least I knew what I was doing, a poor guy in our office though it was a bog standard Dairy Milk with Caramel and it was upside down and he didn't read the label so he got a even nastier shock than me.
The other foodie news of the week been helping out with my mum's herb garden keeping it alive and watered during her being away.
I'm waiting for the Scotch Bonnet Chili to come in and then I'm going to make some fiery chicken.
Although in the mean time might do something nice with the basil and mint that is already in.
So if anyone has an good recipes that include any of these herb/peppers send them my way and I will try to make them :)