Thursday, 8 January 2015

New Year and hopefully an improved me..

So it's 2015 the year in which I turn 35 which means in most surveys or online forms I will go into another box.

I've got a few months until this happens but I never really get the wobbles about life on my birthday. I normally get them at new year. There something of a finality to the death of the old year. even though it only a few days go it the past. 2014 is so last year.

So now we are faced with a fresh bright (albeit rain/cold) brand spanking new year and what to you intend to do with it?

I of course have resolutions/goals for the up coming year which are:

  • Loose weight
  • Eat at a Michelin star restaurant
  • See a West End Musical (as thanks to the little one I haven't been to one since 2012)
  • See a Opera and the Royal Opera House 
  • Wear more bright colour (My wardrobe is distinctively dark)
  • Bring lipstick back (I don't really wear make up but plan to get a couple of nice bright shade and brighten up my lips from time to time)
  • Move Home 
  • Have more fun especially with the little one (now he's getting bigger and I can drive taking him to more activities we can do together I'm thinking Farm, seaside and all that fun stuff).

So not the biggest list in the world but now it is out for all the world to see at least I can check back and have a barometer of how I did at the end of the year.

I'm debating whether I should add find a new job??  Hmm this is a hard one especially if you've got a young child. I am currently in a job where I'm slightly unfulfilled with the tasks I'm set but apart from that they are very accommodating. I can work from Home every Friday to help with childcare they very good if I have a last minute disaster. Also the people I work with are very nice.

I do live quite far away from were I work over 3 hour round trip each day. But I worry that if I did jump ship to be nearer or do something more exciting would I have the flexibility you need when you have young family?

This is a very hard question as it something even though I would want to ask not the best thing to come up in a interview "Do you mind if I've got to leave the office at short notice or work from home 1 day a week?" think that would be the death knell for any chances of being made an offer of employment.

I do think the government needs to do more (oh no my soap box is out) as loads of company now have the tools for home working and flexible hours. I think they should work with business to encourage this more from the out set. I.e. put it in a Job spec -  willing to take on people who don't want to work a full week or be more flexible in the hours they do.

As I'm of the opinion just because people are in the office it doesn't mean there working and if the jobs getting done does it really matter where they are based?  Although these are just my own opinions and because I am in this situation maybe if I didn't have a toddler I'd have a different point of view.

So the job think is a like to have, I've been keeping an eye out and if anything interesting does happen I'll keep you posted lol.

As for the top resolution I have re-joined Slimming World. I originally joined in Jan 2013 and did quite well lost one and half stone (21lb, 9.4kg), then I got pregnant. Although when I got weighed last night I weighed a stone (14lb 6.5kg) less than when I first started back in 2013 which is good yay. This means I need to loose around 2 stone (30lb, 13.5kg) to get to my target which is not so good :(

I'm going with friends and have compiled a shopping list so hopefully this will spur me on to greatness, well thinness anyway. I have set myself the time limit of getting all the weight off by July for the summer.  I won't be going a Michelin Star restaurant until I'm at target which is another incentive.

As for the West End Musical and the Opera resolution, I am open to suggestions if any of you have seen a great show or know a of a great Opera. I have never seen an Opera live so happy to take all and any recommendations. With Musical I have seen Wicked and Lion King but apart from that no of the other show I've seen over the years are currently on in the West End (London).

For the more fun I am going to channel the young me and do all the things I wanted to do when I was young even if it just having fun on the swings (which are my favourite of the playgroup apparatus)

Also  the year culinary wise has started out great my Husband made me a lovely dinner the other night. It was a really simple yet super yummy and very well presented.

All you need is Duck Breast Marinated in Ho-sin Sauce and a bit of Soy. Roast for 30 min then place on a bed of finely chopped Spring Onion and Cucumber.

It was very very nice.

And now with SW I will for a few week be posting some yummy health meals to get everyone through the winter blues.

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