Friday, 19 February 2016

Make room for Instagram Mushrooms

Starting with a  big thing I finally told my work about my Dyslexia and Dyspraxia it only took me 9 years - but I feel such a relief its done.

Well if I'm going to write a blog and put myself out there I should be my whole self in everything I do and I am through hiding who I fully am. I am Dyslexic and Dyspraxic and yes that does make me have a little quirks but hey I am really starting to love be slightly quirky.

I think that really having my little boy I want to be the best person I can be so I going to be the best version of me warts and all - so there world,  here I am :) 

I've also join the wonderful world of Instagram you can find me @dyslexiccooking that's my Twitter handle too so come follow me, actually that would be nice as current count is 9 followers.

I do like Instagram as it lots of pic and not many words it is the perfect forum for Dyslexics, but I will still be writing my blog this is just another social media outlet I am using.

As for cooking week I made a lovely mushroom dish it more like a starter (appetizer) really. It was born out of I had a load of mushroom I needed to use so I decided to bake them. I loaded up a baking tray.

They looked a bit sad on the tray so I wanted to jazz them up a bit. So I added peri peri seasoning (I had some left over from the Peri Peri Pork) some chilli flakes and a vegetable oxo cubes. I put it in a hot oven for 20 mins.

What I got was a love spicy blackened snack. Which I have decided will make a fab buffet snack at a party and as it just baked mushroom with no added oil or anything they are very healthy and of course yum city.  

So apart from finding my new favorite party snacks the other stuff that been happening with me is at work we got sent a anamatronic cat. They are supposed to be companion for old people, but they are super creepy like something out of a horror house. Think it might do more harm that good for the old people.

Also had some lunch at my mums and she was so nice and made me a low fat ploughmans to fit in with my diet. Okay wasn't has fun as a proper one but was a nice lunch.

Oh and I got a new phone case of course it's a Disney case, I just love the quote an have been staring at it in boring meetings... Ah Disney Dreaming again okay when am I not lol.

Last thing before I sign off I have been going to Itsu actually think I am becoming slightly obsessed.

I do love sushi, okay hands down best Sushi is at the California Grill in Disney well I think the view make the food taste better. But as it not quite convenient for my lunch hour lol.. 

But Itsu is very very very good and a lot nearer lol and I can just get California rolls which is great for lunch. Something nice fresh and tasty for a quick lunch at work that perks me up for the rest of the day.

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