My son is beautiful and will always be a shining light in my life and all I know is we'll be taking a different route to his amazing-ness that the path trod by neurotypical children (yes I learnt a new word ooh fancy),
Learning and help that is the way I going to get this autism thing down, and that is what has been happening, which in turn is making me so positive.
Just need to give a big shout out to my Nursery and Kent County Council and they have been so so so so so helpful.
We're already had a meeting with the areas Education person (can't remember her full title) that the problem with having Dyslexia and Dyspraxia we sometimes find it hard taking new information in and with getting a autism diagnosis there is a lot to take in - lucky I have my darling Hubby about to help where I forget.
so we had a really positive meeting about his education needs, we've with mega help from His Nursery applied for SCARF (Sever and Complex Accessibility Resource Funding)
Oh yes now learning a whole new vocabulary as everything is an anagram, think I'm going to need to write my own dictionary on it.
Also talked about starting the application process for EHC (Education, Health and Care) plan - if you want to find out more about it the .GOV.UK website has some great info: although if you're outside the UK reading this I'm sure a quick google search will help ☺☺
Then we had a meeting with a Speech and Language Therapist and they going to start him on PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) really looking forward to that, as my son is non verbal. I am hoping it becomes a way for us to communicate better with each other. Although just a hug between us can say a thousand words.
I have also been proactive I have joined a parents group and attended two course in a local special school resource centre - Strategies for Kids with Speech and Language Difficulties and Starting the Autism Journey.
Both have been so informative and just being able to meet other parents and know I am not the only one going through this and finding out about why he does thing and getting a small glimps into how they think and process things is truly amazing and so helpful.
It's true what they say Knowledge is Power and it this case it the Power to feel positive, to Feel no so helpless and to feel that you will definitely be able to do this.
This is the power I so needed right now, so now turning into Dyslexic cooking Mum - Autism armchair specialist!
My new found positivity is spilling over into other things I've started training again as I am going to run the Hackney Half marathon this April.
Although I still have other things going on in my life that are not so positive (won't bore you with my work related stuff nightmares) at least my personal part of my life is looking a lot better.
I've also gone back to trying to eat health and decided to make Potato Cakes. Now I know I did this before but I have rehashed the recipe a bit - to add some Super Speed food - yes I am back on Slimming world but also some other ingredients to make them a bit more filling.
I took:
2 potatoes
1 bag of Sprouts
4 rashes of reduced fat bacon - or normal bacon with all the fat cut off before cooking
2 tbs of Quark
Boil up the potatoes and the sprouts.
Mash together.
While the potatoes and sprout are cooking get your 4 rashers of bacon
And cut into pieces
Add the cooked bacon and the quark to the mashed up sprouts and potateos
Then once the mixture is all combined roll into balls
Place on a baking tray then cook in a 200 degree oven for 25 minutes.
Now you can either eat these fresh straight from the oven or let them cool and use them as a fab snack for picnics or anywhere really.
All I know is there healthy and tasty.
Just so glad I got to find time to do a bit of cooking and share it with you all.
As with everything going on it nice to share my passion for cooking.
Excellent Posts....Nice To see here...Great Posts...599fullhouse